Adam Whiting

 As the world, and my job as a yoga teacher, made its shift to a more digital platform and social media became the main avenue of promotion, I began spending more and more time in and around photo shoots. I worked with photographers who could create poetry with their images. They crafted pictures that were about feelings and not facts, that asked you the right questions and never handed you the answer. They made you think, and at the same time they bypassed thought completely and dropped in to a deeper level. The craft has always intrigued me, so I made the transition to spending more time behind the lens as well as in front of it. I dove in to learning everything I could about equipment, shooting techniques and lighting. More importantly, I spent time apprenticing under photographers that told me to forget all of that and learn how to use the camera as a painter would use a brush or a poet a pen; to tell a story that transcends language and speaks to the spirit.

Wet Nose Photos

Wisdom and intelligence. Softness and love. Protection and companionship. Patience and playfulness. All of these things exist at once in the eyes and the hearts of our beloved dogs. There is a connection that is instinctual and can be felt all the way into our bones.

The goal of Wet Nose Photos is to capture that connection, the spark in the eyes, the joy in the very being of our canine companions.